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- Pet One Cat Toy - Plush Cork Fish with Feather 14cm
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Pet One Cat Toy - Plush Cork Fish with Feather 14cm
Stock Locations
Richmond Nelson:2 in Stock
Annesbrook:Out of Stock
Pet One Cat Toy - Plush Cork Fish with Feather 14cm
Pet One Pet Toys provide endless hours of entertainment along with physical and mental stimulation for your pet.
Featuring various textures, shapes and noises, each toy will retain your pets’ scent and keep them coming back to snuggle and play.
Features & Benefits:
Interactive toys can assist in relieving boredom and decreasing anxiety
Provides great physical and mental stimulation
Toys can create the perfect distraction when travelling or moving homes and make them feel positive in their shifting environment
Provide a range different textures and noises with each toy
Satisfy your pets natural desire to chew
Easy to clean
Available in a variety of styles
Suitable for: Cats